The next-gen STUDIO with a global reaCh

Serial Maven Studios offers a full-service and solution-based approach for premium content from development, production to distribution.

Serial Maven Studios Distribution Catalog Poster of NOMAD with Carlton McCoy. Carlton McCoy sits on a bus looking out the window.

Meet the Team

Serial Maven Studios Distribution Catalogue Poster of SEARCH AND RESCUE: NORTH SHORE. A helicopter glowing in a dark sky performs an aerial rescue. One of the helicopter occupants manages a long cable that holds another person in mid-air below.


SEARCH AND RESCUE: NORTH SHORE S1 & S2 | 10 x 60’ HD | Original Broadcaster: Knowledge Network | Producer: Peg Leg Films

An abstract image of several bright and colourful lights in shades of red, pink and orange, inside a tunnel.

PRODUCTION THAT goeS above and beyond

We have merged with Cantina Media, a leading premium production company, founded in 2024 by Michael Kot and Betty Orr. Cantina Media brings a wealth of international expertise and excellence. Read more about Cantina Media here or visit us here.


Headquartered in Toronto, Serial Maven StudioS iS a forward-thinking, globally focuSed Studio dedicated to Creating, financing, producing, and diStributing original, returnable intelleCtual property.

Led by Solange Attwood (CEO), Julie Chang (COO), Michael Kot (President), and Betty Orr (Managing Director of Production), Serial Maven Studios is renowned for delivering innovative, solution-driven content partnerships and premium programming with an international offering of 350+ hours of content from best-in-class production companies in the US, UK, Australia and Canada.